Vice President of Growth

What’s your background?
Career wise, I think my background is simply not being afraid to take on projects where there are many unknowns as I’ve never been afraid to take risks in my career. I love the challenge of trying to figure out a market and how to develop a competitive advantage.
Technically speaking, my career has spanned across marketing and business development in the healthcare sector.
What inspired you to join BlueDot?
BlueDot has a unique culture versus most places I have worked. I believe it stems from the fact that our CEO and Founder is still a practicing infectious disease specialist and the empathy for patients is translated to the empathy for staff at BlueDot.
My experience with other companies and leaders I have worked with in my career is that they may say the right things, but they don’t practice what they preach.
How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted your sales approach?
COVID-19 has impacted everyone’s sales approach so I’m going to change my response to, what did I learn during COVID.
I think COVID impacted my approach as a leader and a person.
During COVID, I had a few people very close to me who suffered from severe mental health issues. I dropped everything to try to help them. I learned how ill equipped I was to try to help them by tmyself, which was incredibly frustrating. Luckily, they got help and are much better today but the experience opened my eyes to how scary and severe the impact of mental health can be.
What are five things you love?
Film photography
More about Les
What’s the one thing in life you’re so happy you did?
Despite a busy work career, I never felt that I compromised time with my kids
I never missed any of my kids first day of school
Encourage them to be physically active in competitive sports and always loved to watch them play and now that they are older, I love helping talk through their career choices and decisions.
What's your no-fail, go-for-it motivational song?
This is a tough one as I like many genera of music so it depends what type of mood I’m in and what I’m doing!
If I was driving my car with the windows down, you can’t go wrong with a good old Tom Petty song, it would be a toss-up between American Girl or Runnin’ Down a Dream.
If I’m getting ready to play a soccer game, anything from Queens of The Stone Age … I’ll go with “Go with the Flow”.
What do you think about on long flights?
I’m a photography buff so I’m typically thinking about what photography exhibit I want to catch in a museum or where I want to explore to capture some shots.