Predictive Intelligence

Anticipate what's coming next

See into the future with infectious disease forecasts disease forecasts

Seasonal influenza

Predictive intelligence that helps you stay ahead of the curve with rigorous seasonal influenza forecasts. Anticipate when the season will begin and when it will peak. Our dynamic forecasts provide state/province level resolution and are continuously updated.

Mosquito-borne diseases

Climate change is shifting the global landscape of mosquito-borne diseases. Anticipate how important vectors like Aedes mosquitoes will expand their global geographic range each year over the next decade under current climate change scenarios — and how important diseases like dengue, chikungunya, Zika, yellow fever and more will place new populations around the world at risk. Learn more.

Innovation through collaboration

We’ll get farther, and faster, working together.

We’re proud to be partnering with a number of government (e.g., Taiwan CDC), industry (e.g., Meiji), and academic (e.g., Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre) institutions to solve complex scientific and technological problems that will strengthen our ability to respond to tomorrow’s global infectious disease threats.

Why collaborate with BlueDot?

Credibility at our core

We embrace transparency with our data and intelligence to build trust and confidence.

Our founder and team have led or co-authored over 100 peer reviewed publications in the world’s leading scientific journals that support the credibility of our intelligence.


We’re committed to transparent, comprehensive documentation on our data sources, their provenance, and our core methodologies.

BlueDot has implemented clear policies on the use of external data in our intelligence. To learn more, visit our policy page.

Make critical decisions with clarity and confidence

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